English Language Challenges

As i was exempted of english 1 to 3, this is the first course of english that i take on university, and a i have to say that it isn't what i expected. I thought that it  would be diferent than the school, more focused on our careers or scientific vocabulary. 
And  i don't know if always  have been like this or maybe is like this because of the online mode, but the low participation made it difficult to follow the class, i think that this is our bad as student. 
About the blogs, it was a good tool to practice and develop the writing, i have never write so much in english so it was good to learn how to connect ideas. Altough,  i think that it would be better if we had a correction of what we were doing wrong, that way we could not make that error again. 
I think that i need to improve my talking and pronunciation. As you, Miss,  could see and hear in the videos that i uploaded, my pronunciation is really bad, and to use the rights words in the sentences is hard to me. Actually i dont have a plan to improve this because i dont know what i could do to impove it. 
These days  i have use a lot english, most because i watch series in english (audio and subtitles), i also watch videos on youtube  about things that im interested to , and most of  those videos  are in english, i use it to study too.


  1. Having a correction of what we wrote in the blog would be very helpful, I do not know what I'm wrong, I just see my note hehe

  2. I agree, a correction would be very useful to see what you are failing.

  3. We have had other subjects of the career that they give us scientific material in English hahaha

  4. I agree that a revision would help me even more with my English

  5. I agree with you, I think that if we had done this blog in person and there corrected us maybe we would have learned the language much better

  6. Hello, I want to be born again knowing English Jajaja


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