In general the study program is ok,  the order in what the subjects are teach make sense, there is a progression of knocnledge from basic to more complex. But what not make sense is that some subjects have requirement, that is to say, that if you dont approve a subject you can't take the subject that have that one as a requirement. The problem with this is that some requiriment are nonsense, for example, you need to pass Orgánica I to take Botánica, being that you don't need Orgánica I to learn Botánica. The worst thing about this is that you fall behind with your career because you cant take subjects and the lenght of the career increase. So i would change that, i would delete that system of requeriments and implement a better system.  Other problem is that some subjects are teach one time in the year, so if you fail that subject you have to wait  one year to take it again, and again the lenght of the career increase. The University have to be able to impart all the subjects in both semesters. 
The infrastructure is nice, but i would add more places to individual study, because almost all the "study zones" are thought to study in group, and i add quotation marks because those zones arent just to study, people eat and hang out there, so, is distracting to the ones that use those places to study. 
About the teaching methosd, i think that is really good, and abaout the technology i dont think we need more than what we already  have.


  1. It's so true! There are requirements that don't make any sense

  2. Some requirements are meaningless. They should remake them.

  3. That's true!! some requirements are unnecessary in my opinion

  4. I agree too much, the requirements are sometimes very "unnecessary"

  5. Totally agree, there are things that just don't make sense

  6. I think that the subjects with prerequisites in general are fine but you are absolutely right about botanical and organic

  7. It is very true about the annual bouquets and the requirements are some are unnecessary

  8. I think the requirements are necessary to move to another field, but I agree that some are misplaced.

  9. you're right, the subjects and requirements are largely unnecessary


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